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Showing posts with the label Master/pet

Negotiations on shaky vines

In the far future as Humanity loses world after world to the affini Compact, one ambitious human will fight with words rather than ships. But is the struggle for power really worth it, or will they find more happiness as a pet? ( A Human Domestication Guide story)


Two terrans and two affini enter a propaganda campaign to ease terran fears in the wake of the Human Domestication Treaty. They will play the part of florets and owners, but only for the benefit of the cameras. But what about behind the scenes? ( A Human Domestication Guide story) Cross-Pollination by Priestessamy


Lieutenant Wolfgang Locke, OCNI, is captured by the Affini. The first duty of an officer, when captured, is to escape, and that's precisely what Lt. Locke intends to do. Or, at least, he would, if he could move. ( A Human Domestication Guide story)